a POPULAR upload

my RECENT upload

Hi there! I post fashion and lifestyle videos and as an international student in university, i also share my life to help make living abroad less scary and intimidating by providing my audience more information about what life is like away from home.

As a kid, I loved to document everything in my life through photos and videos, and I couldn’t think of a better way to share my memories than on YouTube!

Aspiring to work in the fashion and luxury goods industry after my academic career, I expand my knowledge through working part-time, which has given me exclusive event passes to fashion week runways, exhibitions and networking events including with Gucci and KWK by Kay Kwok. I document these unique opportunities to help show that the working world is not as intimidating as everyone makes it out to be and can actually be very exciting!

Discovering Fashion

Aspiring to work in the fashion and luxury goods industry after my academic career, I often expand my knowledge through working part-time and my job has given me many unique opportunities like attend Fashion Week and exclusive opening night event. Come along as I build my network and experience in this industry (Ft. Fashion events and exhibitions!)

Spend time with me at home

I always spend majority of my time during summer in Hong Kong as that is where my family is based. I get to reconnect with friends and explore the vibrant city and will always bring you guys along.

Life as a University Student

This is my personal documentation of what my life is like on this new journey of not only living alone, but also living away from home. As a student of a new course, I want to shed some light and insight on it, inspiring more people to have the courage to take a more creative route in university.

Your guide to University Life

While I am an international student, I know a lot of people who just want to understand university life. My content allows for these audience to grasp. a better overview of life as an international student.

High school senior year

The one that started it all. I decided to start my youtube channel with friends I have known my whole life. I wanted to document the last year of our life together before we all went our separate ways. I did this for us... to look back and reminisce whenever we feel homesick <3